Aircraft Management

Having made a decision to buy an aircraft, you will need to make another important decision with regard to its further operation and maintenance. By choosing Mariebo Aviation you can rest assured that your aircraft will be maintained in impeccable working condition, whenever and wherever you may need it.

Flight arrangements, crew scheduling, pre-flight preparations, accounting, bill processing and payments, prompt technical maintenance. We will take care of each and every issue concerning the operation of your aircraft – leaving your mind free to focus on what is most important in your mind.

In order to reduce aircraft operational costs, many owners find it convenient to use their aircraft for commercial flight operation. Our charter sales department will seek to optimize the commercial charter market on your aircraft at any time. Our staff work 24 hours a day to handle and respond to the requests of our clients and to ensuring the stability and safety of our flight operations.

Mariebo Aircraft Trading AB | Mariebo Aviation Asia Pte Ltd